Book 2: Happy Warriors

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Ethan and Nona are gone, but the Russian mob hasn’t forgotten, and they, the Russian government, and The Dear Leader of North Euphoria want their money back. Follow Fernando and ex-CIA director Matthew Sherlock as they gather together a rouge covert team of men, women, ghosts, dogs and kangaroos to happily protect the legacy of one good man and woman while two enthusiastic angels assigned to them clean up their cosmic trail.

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Latest Reviews for Otter Rock Book 2: Les Femmes

I want to be a happy warrior!

A sequel just as good as the first book. Humor ripped from the headlines. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll want to be a Happy Warrior.

An Unforgettable Ride of Action, Intrigue, and Cosmic Consequences!

What sets this story apart is its unique mix of characters, including men, women, ghosts, dogs, and even kangaroos. The team's dynamics are both entertaining and heartwarming, and it showcases the power of unity and diversity in the face of adversity. Must read!

Woah! I am in awe!

An action-packed and whimsical adventure where an unlikely team battles formidable adversaries to protect a legacy, with a sprinkle of cosmic intervention..