Escape to the Wildey

Trying to outrun himself, Ethan Krieger escapes to the Wildey seeking a second chance. What he discovers along the way is that the price of his life must always be paid and the last mile of the marathon is always the most difficult.

Book 1:
Escape to the Wildey

Having emptied his bank account, seventy-year-old retired ex-CIA operative, Ethan Krieger is escaping his well-meaning relatives who want to deposit him in an assisted living center. While he is hitchhiking out of town Ethan is picked up by Mary Katz who is coincidently escaping her relatives.

Book 2:
Happy Warriors

Ethan and Nona are gone, but the Russian mob hasn’t forgotten, and they, the Russian government, and The Dear Leader of North Euphoria want their money back. Follow Fernando and ex-CIA director Matthew Sherlock as they gather together a rouge covert team of men, women, ghosts…

Book 3:
Knights Errant

Available February 1, 2024